Great couple of days over Christmas. Today was just a lot of relaxing and more turkey dinners. Meg went for a massage in the afternoon and then Meg's Aunt came over after that with a Christmas present for Liam. Ai's flight from Tokyo had to turn back because a snowstorm that hit us yesterday all day. Arriving anytime now. Up to Bibai today for a week or so, gotta try and rip-off internet from the neighbours. If not the updates will be on hold for a bit. Pics 1-3: 1. Meg's aunt and Liam. 2. Liam and I playing. 3. Meg and Liam after his bath.
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Boxing Day.
Great couple of days over Christmas. Today was just a lot of relaxing and more turkey dinners. Meg went for a massage in the afternoon and then Meg's Aunt came over after that with a Christmas present for Liam. Ai's flight from Tokyo had to turn back because a snowstorm that hit us yesterday all day. Arriving anytime now. Up to Bibai today for a week or so, gotta try and rip-off internet from the neighbours. If not the updates will be on hold for a bit. Pics 1-3: 1. Meg's aunt and Liam. 2. Liam and I playing. 3. Meg and Liam after his bath.
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Christmas Day! Liam's first!
Had a great day. Up early and opened up the presents and started to get ready for the dinner and stuff. Took ages to cook the turkey. Our friend Miki came over around 6 or so and then we ate about 9....guess the oven that they quote on the back of the turkey for the time it takes to cook it is a bit more powerful than ours! Same thing every year, will have to start earlier next year. Tonnes of stuff left, nice for sandwiches etc. Liam had a good day and got lotsa presents. Pics 1-7: 1. Liam opening presents. 2. Liam opening more presents. 3. Liam and Meg up in the window. 4. Outside the house on Xmas morning. 5. Liam getting his present from Miki. 6. Family pic before dinner. 7. Turkey dinner. Video: Liam opening some presents, just a bit of the morning.
Friday, 25 December 2009
Thursday - Christmas Eve.
Good day getting some last minute stuff done and organizing for the dinner on Christmas night. Liam obviously has no idea what is going on but seems to enjoy us both being home all the time. He is fitting more and more of his clothes now too, dungarees and a sweater today. Pics 1-5: 1. Sitting in his chair with his new clothes on. 2. In the morning. 3. Still in the morning. 4. Sitting in his chair at lunch. 5. Having a sleep in the afternoon.
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Wednesday - First day of the winter holidays.
Quiet morning and then headed out to battle the crowds at Toys R Us. Stupid busy and after looking around realized that Liam is still probably too young for the stuff they sell anyway. Can wait for next year. He has a few things under the tree though. Pics 1-2: 1. Staring to fit into his sweaters etc. 2. Close-up.
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Pretty busy day on Sunday. Went out to a town a bit away to go and see Meg's friend who is in the hospital there. Liam was good, just slept in the car. After that, he was just relaxing at home. I went to hockey. Pics 1-3: 1. Liam in his winter hat with Meg on our way out to see her friend. 2. Uncle Matthew's jacket, Tommyk's trousers and his hat with Meg. 3. Playing after the bath.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Saturday - Liam, first time to roll over!
Great day on Saturday. Woke up to quite a bit of snow. Went out shopping for a bit in the afternoon, got the xmas tree done and stuff. Later on at night Liam rolled over for the first time after his bath. He has been trying for a couple weeks and finally made it. Posted a video below, me sounding like an idiot in the background. Pics #1-3: 1. Liam playing with his toy ball. 2. Liam with the Christmas tree. 3. Close-up with the tree. Vid #1: Liam rolling over for the first time.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Had a bit of snow overnight and then it was -5 for most of the day so Meg and Liam stayed in. Liam Slept from 2 until 5:30 so he was full of energy when I got home from work. Then, about 9, he crashed out for the night til 6:30 this morning. Pics 1-4: 1. Eating his blanket thing. 2. Having a seat in his chair. 3. Sitting with Dad before dinner. 4. All clean after his bath and eating his cloth this time.
Monday, 14 December 2009
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Friday - Video.
Friday, 11 December 2009
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