Back home today. Lotsa stuff to do and forgot to take any pictures until after Liam got out of the bath. Pic 1: 1. Liam crawling around after the bath.
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Mar. 31st.
Back home today. Lotsa stuff to do and forgot to take any pictures until after Liam got out of the bath. Pic 1: 1. Liam crawling around after the bath.
Mar. 30th.
Mar. 29th.
Mar. 28th.
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Mar. 27th.
Friday, 26 March 2010
Mar. 26th.
First day of spring break today. We booked our flights for the summer back to Canada! Home on July 12th for 6 weeks. After we did that we went to get Liam's passport done. Liam started getting his teeth brushed instead of just getting them wiped. Pics 1-3: 1. Liam brushing his teeth. 2. Liam thinking about something. 3. A picture of his passport picture.
Mar. 25th.
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Mar. 24th.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Mar. 23rd.
Mar. 22nd.
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Mar. 21st.
Super windy and chilly today so we just hung around at home. Meg went for a haircut so Liam and I were here for a while by ourselves. Keeps ya busy for sure crawling all over. Great day. Pics 1-3: 1. Liam playing with an ad from the paper. 2. Reaching and getting as many out of the box as he can. 3. Happy with the mess he has made.
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Mar. 20th.
Mar. 19th.
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Mar. 18th.
Mar. 17th.
Back to work. Not much going on. Liam and Meg went to the ward office for the weigh-in thing. Liam was 8760g and 71.8cm. He is doing fine. When I got him he was in the living room but came crawling across the room and followed me around, he loves crawling. Pics 1-4: 1. Moving around. 2. Posing for the camera. 3. Dumping his toy box thing and chucking them around. 4. Reading a book after taking a bath.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Mar. 16th.
More spring cleaning today. Liam again just full of energy, hardly slept during the day. He really likes crawling around and checking everything out now. Pics 1-3: 1. Liam in the morning. 2. New look living room, with Liam and Meg playing in the middle. 3. Had to change the straps on the car seat. Liam in there getting measured. Vid 1: 5 minute video of Liam crashing around and crawling after dinner.
Monday, 15 March 2010
Mar. 15th.
Managed to get a couple extra days off work this weekend. Today we spent starting our spring cleaning. Liam was hanging out and crawling around. We changed the living room setup as well so that Liam has more space. Pics 1-4: 1. Morning. 2. In amongst his toys. 3. Crawling into the bedroom. 4. Liam after his bath.
Mar. 14th.
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