Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Jul. 21st.

Last day on the island. Had a great morning at the hotel taking liam swimming in the morning and then going to breakfast. Left Victoria and hit Butchart gardens on the way to the ferry. The Island was awesome! Pics 1-8: 1. Liam and Meg in front of the sunken garden. 2. Liam looking tired. 3. Taking a break. 4. Italian garden. 5. Fountain. 6. Sunken garden. 7. Front sign pic with all 3 of us. 8. Ferry home from Swartz Bay.

Jul. 20th.

Got up in the morning and headed down to Victoria for the night. Great day in Victoria for our 5 year anniversary. Hung out during the day, downtown, on the legislature lawn. Forgot how nice the island is. Liam had a good time when we went out for dinner. Pics 1-9: 1. Meg, Tsumugi and Liam before leaving Comox/Courtney. 2. Dale, Tsumugi and Liam. 3. Corey and Liam at morning coffee. 4. Meg, Liam and I. 5. Meg, Yuki and Liam. Yuki is Meg's friend from high school who is living in Victoria now. 6. Family picture in Vic. 7. On the lawn with Liam, Meg and Meg's friend Yuki. 8. Liam's first time colouring. 9. Liam at Pagliacci's for dinner.

Jul. 19th.

Still on the island in Comox. The weather was awesome again. Busy day and didn't take many pics until the night with Liam and the mini cup. Pics 1-3. Liam and the cup.

Jul. 18th.

Had a good first full day in Comox. The weather was really nice. Went golfing in the morning, while Meg and Liam went out shopping and for a walk to the beach. Great dinner cooked by Pat Riva at night. 1. The beach. 2. Liam at Dale's parent's house. 3/4. On the grass in the yard.

Jul. 17th.

This day was Liam's bday party. Great group of people came across to the house and we had a lot of fun. Granny Keith had things well organized and the kids really had a great time. Later on during the day we left to go to the island for the weekend and stay with the Rivas. Stin was there too. Pics 1-9: 1. Liam with his jinbei on. 2. Ready for the party. 3/4. Liam's party cake. 5-7. Ferry to Duke Point. 8. Meg, Liam and the Canada flag. 9. Liam has had enough.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Jul. 16th.

Good day to just relax. Went out for lunch in the early afternoon and then took Liam to the pool. He had a great time but wasn't too sure when we first got there. Had fun though. Pics 1-4: 1/2. Liam and Meg. Liam wearing some birthday clothes from Matthew and Chelsea. 3/4. Walnut Grove pool.

Jul. 15th.

Had another fun day. Didn't do too much during the day but we had Corey stop by for a visit and a Papa burg, then had the old crew pop over at night (minus Fox and Lindi). Good times. Pics 1-7: 1. Liam on the stairs with Grandad. 2. Liam, Gran, Mrs. Fox. 3. Mrs. Fox and Liam. 4. Tina and Dakota. 5. Shannon and Liam. 6. Liam and I. 7. Madison.


Great day on Wednesday. Really great day hanging around the house and then having a great dinner for Meg and Liam's birthday with the family. Everyone over. Amazing that Liam is already 1 year old. We are really lucky to have such an awesome son. He really does make us happy every minute we are lucky enough to be around him. If all this wasn't enough, Matt, Chelsea, Kris and I got to go to Colin Fraser's Stanley Cup party. Just awesome. Pics 1-8: 1. Whole bday crew. 2. Meg, Liam and I. 3. Bday cake. 4. Liam and Meg with their cake. 5. Liam. 6. Uncle Kris and presents. 7. Liam getting his dinner. 8. Stanley.