Monday, 28 November 2011

Nov. 4th.

Liam had his buddy over to play. They were having fun, making a mess, especially in the back room. Liam has come on leaps and bounds the last while, really talking a lot. Pics 1-4: 1. Running around. 2. In his car. 3. Big kiss for me. 4. In the bath with the washable crayons.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Nov. 3rd.

National holiday so we had Liam and Noah at the park in the morning. Then I took him to Kawashimo Park in the afternoon. Didn't go in the pool as he had a bit of a cold. Good fun though. Pics 1-4: 1. Liam at the park. Things he owns the place. 2. Meg with Noah, and Liam. 3. On the slide. 4. One brutal picture at the indoor park before the battery died on my camera.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Nov. 2nd.

Liam and Meg went to the park with Noah. (Notice the dbl post) So far behind, trying to get caught up but just no time. Liam doing great though. Pic 1. Liam and Noah. Liam loves holding Noah. Hilarious cause he thinks Noah will do something and then gets bored in about 10 seconds.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Nov. 1st.

Liam was keeping Meg busy ripping around the park. He always has so much energy when he is there. He really does love it. Too bad the snow is coming soon. Pics 1-3: 1. Liam hiding from the camera. 2. Liam and Noah. 3. Liam in the bath.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Oct. 31st.

Hallowe'en a quiet affair around here. Still shoulda dressed Liam and Noah up, but didn't. Meg was at the park with them, not much else to report. Pics 1-2: 1. Liam in my jacket. 2. Liam and Noah.

Oct. 30th.

Took Liam over to the park with the indoor gym and pool near the house. Had a good time. Liam loves it there. A bit worrisome with some of the idiot kids going nuts. Liam pretty wild there too though. Pics 1-4: 1. Sprinting around. 2/3. In the jungle gym. 4. Helping to make dinner.

Oct. 29th.

Liam had fun ripping around the park and running away from Meg and I. He stays in the park but it is a big park! After getting home he had fun playing with Ota-san who came to visit. Pics 1-2: 1. Can you guess where my Dad is from? 2. As soon as he gets to the bottom of the stairs he rips off again to get back on the slide.

Oct. 28th.

Liam was in full on clown around mode this day. Loves to get the attention but knows when to tone it down too. Really great with Noah and helps Meg a lot. Pics 1-4: 1. Early morning chilling in the sun on the couch. 2. Jumping and crashing on the bed. 3. Had a bit too much, asleep at lunch. 4. Having some fries with Dad.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Oct. 27th.

Liam was ripping around the park as usual. He was a bit sick but still did ok. He didn't stay too long and left when he was supposed to come home with Meg only asking him the once. He was in fine form at night...until he crashed out. Pic 1. Crashed out.

Oct. 26th.

Meg's Mum and Dad came down to take care of Liam as Meg was away for quite a while at the hospital. Liam had fun, went over to the shops for his usual taiyaki. Was catching a bit of a cold so was taking it easy by the night. Pics 1-2: 1. From the bed to the couch in the morning with Meg and Noah. 2. Cuddled up at night.

Oct. 25th.

Liam was just ripping around for most of the day. He was good considering he didn't get out due to Noah still being on house arrest. Can't say enough about how good he is with Noah. Pics 1-3: 1. Liam hiding behind the ball. 2. Liam holding Noah's hand. 3. Liam and Noah.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Oct. 24th.

Meg, Liam and Noah were away at the park in the morning. Liam loved being back there after a break. He was really good and left when he was told to leave, listens well. Miyu and her Mum came in the afternoon. Liam was pretty tired by the night. Pics 1-2: 1. Hiding some toys from Miyu. 2. Getting his picture taken while Miyu takes her Mum's picture.

Oct. 23rd.

Liam and I were away at the pool in the morning. No pics since we got in trouble last time we went with there and Meg took a couple snaps. Had fun, Liam loves the pool. Went for haircuts after that, then back to Sapporo. Pics 1-2: 1. Liam in the chair. 2. Holding Noah.

Oct. 22nd.

Liam spent the day doing his usual and waiting for me to get to Bibai. When I got there we went to the onsen for a while. Good to see him again after 6 days in Sapporo. Pics 1-2: 1. Liam taking a nap. 2. Liam and I after dinner.

Oct. 21st.

Liam was up to his usual again. All around the hood and over to see Meg's Gran. Out for a drive with Meg's Mum and Dad. He was good with Noah too. Pics 1-2: 1. Girlish hair in the bath. 2. Watching TV with Meg's Dad.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Oct. 20th.

Liam got a haircut from Meg's Mum, just a trim off the front. Good day all-around by the sounds of it. I was still in Sapporo working. Pics 1-2: 1. Liam and Noah. 2. Ready for his haircut.

Oct. 19th.

Liam was having fun still as usual. All over the neighborhood and that. Had a good time playing with the lady a few doors down when she took care of him for a while during the day. Pics 1-2: 1. In his jammies waiting for dinner. 2. Pouring a beer for Meg's Dad.